We followed the sat nav which did an excellent job in delivering us to the post code, a large country house and hustle and bustle of a festival rising from the estate paddocks nowhere to be seen. Wrong postcode. Ryan's handwriting parallels the oldest and most uninterested General Practitioner in the land. With the only tools to hand, namely a smart phone, Jesse had us pointing in the general direction and soon we picked up the scent, a clearly marked AA road sign guiding us home. This was an encouraging start, the event being a first timer and we were once again unsure of how busy we would be, but the warm familiar burnt orange of the AA sign calmed us. We thundered up the tradesman's entrance with the enthusiasm of a teenager in his first Renault 5 (showing my age - not sure what the kids drive these day!?) This was going to be a good one!
Setting up - dominating other stands! |
Dough making into the night |
The festival from behind! |
The weekend ended with a cracking pint of somerset cider at the Crown and Anchor in Dell Quay. http://www.crownandanchorchichester.com/history.html We watched the sun go down and talked through the highs and lows of the weekend. You should too if you are ever down this way. Lovely little spot.
Sorry about the quality of the photos - dodgy blackberry camera as I forgot my good one.
We are looking for bookings in October now if you fancy hosting a cheeky autumnal wedding, party or bar mitzvah!?
Much love
Ed x
Sounds like you guys are doing really well? :) xxx